Leaving Tanzania

Today we are in Dallas, Texas. Getting here was a bit of an ordeal. The only way we could bring our dog, Nala, who is an 8 month old, 100 pound, South African Boerboel, with us was to take KLM airlines. To save $1,000 on tickets, Jacob took three of the kids and most of the luggage on Qatar airlines the day before. Each of us embarked on our 35+ hour trips which involved customs, 7 total security checks, very little sleep, and 50% total time of fussy children. Silas guarding the bags while Jacob checks in at the counter in Tanzania Jason hamming it up as usual Waiting to check Nala in Killing time in Amsterdam Finally found a solution in Doha for hauling the kids and too much hand luggage. So exited about the toothbrush Esther found a giant stuffed dog in Amsterdam for the 3 hour layover Tivoli, on the other hand, had to be content pushing the cart for her 8 hour layover in Doha Cool moving dinosaurs And a giant Pooh Be...