Why Partner With Us

We have BIG news!
In January of 2017 we arrived in Tanzania, East Africa after being formally invited by SIL to serve as a pilot.

Faithfully Serving where Planted…
Tanzania is like no other place on earth. It is incredibly culturally and linguistically diverse with over 120 languages and dialects! Not to mention, home to Africa’s highest mountain, Mt Kilimanjaro. To say that aviation is influential is an understatement. Though Bible translators have been hard at work, there still remain over 30 languages to be translated. Supporting translators through aviation has become more critical than ever. In fact, even the people of Tanzania are saying, “Translation must be very important if you bring a plane to be a part of its work!” They are excited to be a part of something so important. That is why we are asking you to join our partnership team. We want to bring people home: to Christ, to eternity, and to God’s family. 

We are uniquely called and qualified…
Most people with a Christian background and worldview recognize that God’s Word, the Bible, is the key to transforming lives and entire communities. It is the foundation for Church planting, discipleship, and Christian education. Because of the work that God has done in our lives and His Spirit present in our hearts, we are qualified to help bring God’s Word to a broken and hurting world! We have also been blessed with skills that are needed in this developing country
  • Jacob - A bachelor degree in Aeronautical Science and specialized mission aviation training at JAARS with over 3 years of experience as a flight instructor, commercial pilot, and aircraft maintenance specialist
  • Carmen - 10 years of experience as a Midwife in maternal and newborn care, participation in over 875 births with one year of experience in primary health care 

Would you give financially to our ministry with JAARS?
God has already raised up 92% of the budgeted funds we need. There are 39 families and 4 churches who are already part of our prayer and provision team. We need $330 in additional monthly investments to continue in our ministry. Will you prayerfully consider joining our ministry partnership team?  

Our Financial Breakdown…
It’s wonderful to be part of an international mission organization like SIL. We have been blessed by the structure, organization, and camaraderie of its members. Our monthly budget includes funds for medical insurance, furlough every 3 years, ministry related expenses, visas, and taxes. After those, the amount we live on is about 45% of the total. Our living expenses include food, housing, transportation, and tithes. We live within our means and are good stewards of what God provides. 

You are giving to a lasting work…
We are career missionaries. Our goal is not a short, one-time event. We have sensed God’s call on our lives, are equipped and prepared to serve for the long-haul. Our work contributes directly to Bible Translation and Scripture engagement – a life-giving impact to literally millions of people around the world. Please help send us so that we can support getting the life-giving Word of God into Tanzania! Click this LINK to see how.


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