
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. We have a lot to be thankful for. First, we want to thank you for giving us time and space to readjust to life back in the States while working through healing in our lives. Though we never would have imagined living in Dallas, it has been the perfect place to get back on our feet, slow down, and focus on the health of our family. Shortly after arriving we found a little rental in south Dallas and Jacob began working at a fern farm called Casa Flora as the Technical Supervisor. We sense God’s leading in providing a stable job with consistent hours while working under a gracious Christian man who also happened to be a missionary kid. In August, Carmen was offered a full-time position as staff midwife at a birth center in north Dallas. We decided to try switching roles; Carmen working full and Jacob staying home to care for and homeschool the children. It surprised us how much we enjoyed the switch and how well it...