Parents Moving to Tanzania in 10 Days!

A few weeks ago we found out that the Christian school which Silas and Jason are attending was in need of a principle. Carmen's parents are both teachers and having cross culture experience we mentioned in passing that they should come...

We could never have imagined, but they will be coming to Arusha in 10 days! They will be staying in a house that is less than a ten minute walk down the road. At first, this sounded too good to be true, but it is quickly becoming a reality. We will actually have family in Tanzania!

This has been a very big step of faith for them and we would encourage you to help them out if you can. Below is their letter with more information. 

Dear Family and Friends, 

Recently our work at ProCare Physical Therapy came to an end. With this closing of a chapter in our lives God has opened the door to an exciting new opportunity to serve Him in Tanzania!

Moving to Africa in Ten Days!

After much prayer and consideration, we have accepted an invitation to work at Christ Church International School in Arusha Tanzania, East Africa where our daughter, Carmen, and her family lives. As the current principal is returning to her home country, they need us to move to Arusha in ten days. Time is quickly passing as we prepare to leave Pennsylvania.

A Unique Opportunity for Ministry

As the principal, Del will be responsible for the logistics of the day to day functions of the school and    overseeing that a quality Christian educational program is provided. Patty will serve alongside the other teachers on a volunteer status. 

We both have our teaching degrees, many years of experience in education as well as cross cultural experience. We are committed to serve the school for one year with  the possibility of staying  longer. 

We are excited

We are excited about the opportunity to not only provide administrative oversight to the school, but also to support and encourage the staff, parents, and students. Many of these children are regularly faced with the challenges of being uprooted and moved to new and unfamiliar areas as their parents minister and work. We want to be a positive influence in their lives.

We can't do this without you!

We feel privileged to have this opportunity to serve the Lord in Tanzania and want to extend the invitation for you to partner financially with us. In faith, we are trusting the Lord to provide the support we need in ten days for airplane tickets and other expenses. We are confident that the  Lord will provide.   
In the story of Esther, Mordecai talks to his niece about the situation they are facing. He asks, “who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Would you give financially to our ministry?

We are leaving on the 28th of this month which is only 10 days away and we are stepping out in faith, trusting in God’s provision. God has already raised up 48% of the funds we need. We need $4,300 in additional one time investments before leaving for Tanzania. Will you prayerfully consider joining our ministry partnership team?  

Our Financial Breakdown…
We are excited about this opportunity with Christ Church International School. We are looking forward to being part of the team of teachers and other volunteers serving these children in Tanzania. As we will be receiving a small stipend, we only need funds for airplane tickets, visas, work supplies, moving expenses, and startup costs for when we arrive. We would also appreciate any monthly giving to cover recurring expenses. We live within our means and are good stewards of what God provides.

Where to send support

100% of the amount given is received by us since there are no fees. Checks are directly deposited into our account. 

It is important that checks be written out to Hope Community Church with our name written only on the memo line. Due to tax reasons, if checks are made out to us the church not be able to process the check. For tax deductible donations please send checks to: 

Hope Community Church
5864 Jackson Valley Rd.
Warren Center, PA 18851


Our sending church, Hope Community Church in Warren Center, Pennsylvania, has graciously offered to handle donations without charging any administrative fees. They are currently in the process of setting up online giving which will also be tax deductible. We will let you know as soon as this  option is available.     

     Grace and Peace,
     Del and Patty Stancer

Please contact us if you have any questions!     Del: 570-637-5688    Patty: 570-637-7200


  1. WOW!!!!! This is SO exciting!!!! Only God can open doors that no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open! ? When it is HIS timing, then HIS resources are there to cover our needs! Praise God for His amazinginuity!!!! :a) What a BLESSING y'all will be experiencing so close with family.... Oh, Hallelujah! Answer to a prayer that may not have even been verbally or conscientiously articulated! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, huh? Shalom, Rebecca<")))><

    1. Question is that Rebbecca Miss Rebbecca from year 5 (I'm Theo if you can remember me)

  2. Wow! Thank you, Father, for providing education in Arusha and family to serve along side. Provide all that is needed and move powerfully in Tanzania please.


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