"I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish...For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." Romans 1:14 & 16 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent" Romans 10:14-15 Here in America, we are privileged with many churches and Bible versions to choose from. However, there are approximately two billion people in this world who do not have access to the Gospel. We could stay in the States with family, security, and conveniences, but these are small matters when the eternal destination of unreached people groups around the world is at stake. For Paul, the spread of the Gospel was not an option - it wan a...
As the new pilot for MAF Tanzania I was able to go on a medical outreach to the village of Gorimba for the first time last month. I was deeply impacted. Hundreds of mothers crowded in a line leading into a small room where I and a Tanzanian nurse sat to fill out paperwork (in Swahili) before these women and their children could be seen by the nurses and doctors. Sweat poured down their faces as they held their babies under the harsh sun, waiting for hours before it was their turn. They had already traveled far across the dusty bushland of Tanzania to get here. Flies buzzed around the babies' faces attempting to drink the moisture around their eyes and mouth. As sad as this is, they are used to it. The dust, the dry seasons, the hard manual labor, and the struggle to survive and raise a family. Life is harsh in the remote villages. A month had passed since that first experience, and we were scheduled for another clinic in Gorimba. I looked forward...
Always so clean and fresh... Just kidding! They had escaped outside, emptied the dogs water dish and then crawled across the gravel to the yard. Totally filthy and having a blast! When it was time to get cleaned up, I started their bath and went to get clean pjs... came back to guilty girls who hadn't waited for me to get them undressed. As the first picture shows, all that dirt was eventually gone! A chameleon we found by our gate on the way to school the other morning. The fact that they can move their eyes 360 degrees in DIFFERENT directions from one another is a bit freaky to watch! They hiss too when they think you are a little to close. For those of you have not heard we have both good and bad news. Good news first. Baby Esta stayed two nights with us after being released from the hospital. She is eating, gaining weight, and currently being cared for by her aunt. Bernadetta, however, has been on the decline ...
Some would say a picture is worth a thousand words...I would say, this one is worth ten. If you were wondering, MK Station stands for Missionary Kid Station. It's just a fancy way of saying it is a daycare for missionary kids. N61JA - The airplane I am currently being taught in. Affectionate terms do not describe this airplane. Commonly termed "The Humiliator" by pilots here, most would agree that flying this thing is definitely a character builder. Since it is a taildragger with the center of gravity designed to be a good distance back from the main wheels, it is especially difficult to keep straight down the runway centerline when landing. If you want a real life example, load up your grocery cart and shove it backwards. Notice which direction it goes. Everything but straight. Anyway, Mark Wuerffel, describes it this way. "Jacob, the Helio was born in the bush and every time it is moving on the ground it is working as hard as it can to get back t...
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