Names Have Meanings

When we named both of our boys we carefully considered the meaning. Sometimes names come with positive or negative connotations based on people we have known in the past. I think the best example of this is when I suggested using Lucy as a name for if we had a girl. I love the name... my wife, not as much. During a drive I believed that I had finally convinced her that it would be a great name to use. My confidence in my persuasive prowess was short lived when she concluded, "Yes! Lucy would be a great name for the new dog..."We weren't talking about the same thing!

 Silas Matthew - Saver of men, Gift of God
Silas Matthew is a very special name to me. I was almost named Silas and my middle name is Matthew. He will always have a special place in my heart as my first born. He truly is a gift of God to us. Our hopes are that we would teach him in wisdom and that he would grow to be a mighty man of God. A man that uses his gift to reach out to those around him and save men.

Jason Timothy - healed to honor God

Jason's name came to us in an incredible way. We were pregnant with him while we were in Botswana, Africa. On one of our dates together Carmen introduced the fact that we were halfway through the pregnancy, but we did not have a name yet. It was then that Jason Timothy came to mind. I cannot think of a more appropriate name to describe what God was doing in us.

Our time in Africa was very trying due to many external circumstances. We came back from Botswana broken. But God has healed us and now we are headed back to Tanzania to serve and honor God in what we do.

But even greater than having a name which means something significant is the new name which God will give to us. 

"To the one who conquers...I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it" Revelation 2:17

In ancient times is was customary for the victorious athlete to receive a white stone with their name inscribed on it. Names have significance. God gives us significance and meaning. After having run the course of this life well and for His glory, I would like to think that God, as my father, will give me a new name with meaning. 


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