Manna from Heaven

Have you ever wondered what manna tasted like during the days of Moses? Well, wonder no more. I have solved the mystery! And with a few potatoes and minimal knifing skills you can replicate this ancient delicacy.

First you need to chop them up

Get rid of the bad spots (for looks so the wife will eat them)

Oh, this potato chopper can be useful. All you need to do to get one is marry off your sister so that you can have a brother in law who appreciates fries as much as you do.

Rinse and dry them

I recommend putting the audience to work drying them

But you know, the secret isn't in the potato, its in the oil. Deep frying food can make anything taste good ;) Sometimes I wonder if Prometheus was not bound for revealing fire to man, but instead for introducing the means to boil oil and thus make heavenly deep fried foods - something like giving up grandma's secret recipe or something...but it was Zeus's. But alas, I digress. Oh yah, and if you don't know who Prometheus was, don't feel bad. It was Greek to my wife too.

Per the McDonalds french fry expert (a friend of mine who is now a doctor ie. you know he knows what he is doing) the fries will cook the best at 330 degrees F. The nice part about this is you don't have to wash your hands before chopping the potatoes.

And waiting!

You know its gonna be good when it turns the same color as gold.

Salt them as soon as they come out or the saltiness will not stick.

With that kind of look, I am wondering if I will get any of them...

And voila! Wasn't that easy?


  1. And just think, we shared this manna with you this past summer!

  2. I like your theory on Prometheus. :) And your non-hand-washing clause is hilarious. Now, would you please deliver a batch to me for my breakfast? Pretty please???


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