Is It Worth It?

 Our time in Idaho is quickly coming to an end. With that, we have a quick update, prayer requests, and some thoughts about our next step.

The view from our front window of our house. Absolutely gorgeous! With the seasons changing the picture is new every day. 


  1. Praying for you and excited for you ALL!

  2. We will be praying for you and even though we've not gotten to spend a lot of time together, you are special to us and your ministry to your family and the beautiful people of God in Tanzania is also special to us. We love you all and we love Dinah and will be praying for all of you. God bless you all. You are not traveling alone, He is with you always.

  3. We love how real you are Jacob and Carmen. Makes it so much easier to relate to you guys. So thankful we got to spend some time together . Praying for you and your little ones.❤️️ Jim and Marsha


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