Two Sweethearts

Leaving Idaho in Two Weeks!

This is one of my favourite pictures of one of my favourite spots in Idaho's mountains. We are so excited for what God has planned for us in Tanzania. In the meantime, next stop, Pennsylvania!

On Another Note:

The girls turned 5 weeks on Wednesday. They have changed so much in a month! They have gained almost 150% of their body weight. At that rate, I would have to gain around 70 lbs in five weeks! Not good for me, great for them as they are now 7lb 2oz and 7lb 4oz!

Their personalities are definitely starting to show more and more.

I am so proud of my wife. To say the least, the past month has been full of an incredible amount of transition and stresses which she has had to handle while waking up every few hours during the night to feed them both. I am blessed to be married to such an amazing women!

There is nothing as sweet as a mother's love for her child.


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