Cake Fixes Everything

A Year of Joy

On Thursday the girls had their first birthday. The girls have had an exciting, event filled life as they have traveled countless hours by car, train, bajaji (motor tricycle), and plane. Through it all they have been a joy. Their is nothing like sweet, happy little people.

They say that the first year with twins it the hardest but we are grateful to have survived mostly unscathed! There were times of tears, overwhelming exhaustion, and feeling like we were failing at the juggling act. However, we have found God's timing of giving us twins as an unexpected blessing.

No other time in our lives so far have we been in such a good position to help each other, be at home often, and now kpp;l[98'-[-l;o0have help managing four under five years old. It has taught us a lot of patience and given us a fresh dose of joy each day... the smiles, the cuddles, the sweetness, the love and kisses.

Two Personalities on the Move

Their personalities are starting to unfold the older they get. At this stage, where one goes, the other follows and a train of destruction follows both!

Esther is best described as our little princess. She loves pretty dresses and knows she is cute which makes getting what she wants fairly easy. She loves to walk up and down the hall with the push toy and is getting pretty good at her balance. We suspect she will be walking first. She is quickly changing from a baby to a toddler. Independent and unafraid of strangers, it takes many new people in one place before she gets shy. Lots of blabbering and squealing happens in this house! She has 7 teeth.

Tivoli, though more quite and gentle, has her feisty moments such as the time when she bit into Esther's arm when she took a toy from her. She loves to sing and is trying hard to say words already. Her favorite word is acha, which is a Swahili word for 'no or stop'. Sometimes it sounds like she is trying to say Esta. She is very wary of people she doesn't know and does not like crowds and people who want to hold her. Having learned how to climb out of her clip-on high chair onto the table she is becoming more crazy and adventuresome than Esther. However, she is much more snuggly and loves to sit on our laps. She has eight teeth.

Tivi was way over excited about the cake and candles!

Within seconds of setting it before them, she quickly snatched at the candle...

And put it out with her hand. 

After some intense tears, she decided cake fixes everything (no burns, just scared)


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