Parents Moving to Tanzania in 10 Days!

A few weeks ago we found out that the Christian school which Silas and Jason are attending was in need of a principle. Carmen's parents are both teachers and having cross culture experience we mentioned in passing that they should come... We could never have imagined, but they will be coming to Arusha in 10 days! They will be staying in a house that is less than a ten minute walk down the road. At first, this sounded too good to be true, but it is quickly becoming a reality. We will actually have family in Tanzania! This has been a very big step of faith for them and we would encourage you to help them out if you can. Below is their letter with more information. Dear Family and Friends, Recently our work at ProCare Physical Therapy came to an end. With this closing of a chapter in our lives God has opened the door to an exciting new opportunity to serve Him in Tanzania! Moving to Africa in Ten Days! After much prayer and consideration, we have accep...