Sunshine & Rain

The Tanzanian Aviation Authority granted a temporary, one month validation of my US license. Last week I was able to fly my first medical safari without another pilot along. Below is a short
video of the highlights.

We drove to the Northern coast in Pangani and spent three days over Christmas soaking up sun, sand, and water with Carmen's paarents! It was beautiful, relaxing, and fun.

Double baby wearing... its how we roll :)

It was the babies first time at the beach. Tivi LOVED every minute of it all and laughed constantly at the waves, went swimming, and threw lots of sand. 

Esther on the other hand wanted nothing to do with any of it. Consequently she spent nearly the whole time on someone's lap, in the hammock or any other location she could get 
away from the sand!

The most popular place OUT of the sun.

In the early mornings and late evenings hundreds of little crabs came out of their holes
to run along the shore.

Again and again till we were so tired from throwing them!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm a big strong boy!"

Tivi enjoying watching the happenings of the beach with Mima.

Peek-a-boo with your bonnet is hilarious! (sitting on the table, away from the sand)


  1. You know what they say, "Coffee, Tea or....CHICKEN"!!!! :a) Beautiful testimony of God's goodness over there - LOVE the pics of the blessed - you AND them! Shalom and we're "holding" you in our prayers! Rebecca<")))><


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