Names Have Meanings #2

Earlier this spring Jacob wrote the post Names Have Meanings for our boys. Following Geyman family tradition, both our girls have two middle names. (Below, Left - Tivoli & Right - Esther)

Esther Tianna Joy - A joyful star who follows Christ

The book of Esther is Jacob's favorite book of the old testament. She was a woman of God who defied odds, trusted, and was willing to lay down her life for the people of God. Tianna was a Christian martyr with the name meaning "follower of Christ. We pray that she will be just that! 

During my last two pregnancies, God has given me a word that applied to the circumstances surrounding child-bearing. It was Joy. To choose joy and thankfulness in the midst of any circumstance I find myself in no matter how hard or easy it may be. This is what He has been teaching me.

Tivoli Moriah Rain - A city on a hill where God teaches

Tivoli is a beautiful hilltop city in Italy. In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus sais we are to be the light of the world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We desire that she would grow up to let the light of Christ shine forth from her life. Moriah means God teaches. Mt. Moriah was where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed but God provided a lamb instead teaching him that He will provide and fulfill his promises. This name was also given in loving memory of Jacob's sister who was stillborn when he was eleven years old.

Rain is healing, refreshing, and promotes growth. Rain also comes with storms. Life, we know is not always easy. God has taught us through both storms and gentle showers.


  1. I love those names, and their wonderful meanings, but the girls themselves are far more wondrous yet!

  2. Your family is so blessed with these precious girls. Thanks for sharing the meanings and significance of their names. They are both beautiful and the pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing them.


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