
Esther and Tivoli are already three months old! Wow, a lot has happened in three months. Besides adding two sweethearts to our family, we have moved across the States,  spoke in seven churches, moved to Tanzania, and completed SIL orientation. Some days we have been literally exhausted, but we are grateful to God that he has kept us and given us grace through these past three months.

Mapacha is the Swahili word for twins. To have twins is considered to be a huge blessing - a sign of God's double blessing and favour.

I get the feeling they were not necessarily fond of this particular pose...In fact, half of my pictures looked this way. They are definitely calm, sweet babies, but they do have their moments!

First mug shots! Shoot, I forgot the ruler.

In the meantime, Esther was being a ham.

And the other two. We found a playground at a shopping centre which the boys have visited often. Something familiar for them to play with while finding new friends.

Please keep us in your prayers. Juggling four children while adjusting to Tanzania has not been an easy task. And with language school starting Monday, we do not suspect life will let up anytime soon. On the other hand, we are so grateful for the support from God and other people.

Pray For:
  1. The boys as they continue to transition and get used to mommy and daddy being away during the day
  2. Dinah as she learns how to live in Tanzania while helping us with the children and house
  3. The girls to allow Carmen to get good sleep at night. It sure makes the day easier for her when they do!


  1. It is so wonderful reading your posts and watching you on the adventure God has given to you. I can truly understand what your experiences having lived in foreign countries. This is an experience your kids as well as yourselves will carry with you the rest of your lives. The good, the bad and the unexpected. I want to say how I admire and respect this choice you have made to follow where God leads you. I know there are times especially with the children that it is frustrating. Often when something is going on in my life I think of Jonah and I know it may be difficult but I need to march on and do what God has asked me to do. He will never ask something of anyone that he is not behind us 100%. 1 Thessalonians 5:11...11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. God bless you and keep you on the new adventure. I know Jesus and angels are walking with you and will keep you safe. Deborah Davis

    1. As you said, there are definitely challenges to raising four little ones in a new country. And we are so thankful that God backs us up 100%. Thank you so much for your encouragement and understanding!


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