The Girls

It has been a while since I have posted pictures of the girls and people have been asking. In the meantime, I decided to give a little update on their progress in life.

At 5 months and 12 pounds each, our two little princesses have been quickly growing and learning about life.

They are able to sit up when supported,

hold their heads up very well,

roll over and grab their feet,

and they love standing.

Of course, they have two big brothers who love them a lot!

Maybe a little too much sometimes...

Their Mommy has been amazing with them, and their smiles tell us every day how happy they are.

 And of course, their Daddy is great at making their day.

At the end of the day Esther,

and Tivoli are very tired and ready for a good night's sleep. Life for them is so simple right now. Before I know it, they will be crawling, walking, talking, and then having their own life adventures. Lord, please give us strength and wisdom to guide them to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We only have so long with them. May we be an example of God's love in us for them to follow.

On another note: Please be praying for Tivoli. She started a fever and we just put her on medication for what we think is an ear infection. She has been having a rough time for the last two weeks as she has been sick every couple days. Right now, she is lying in Carmen's arms and looking at me with such sad eyes. It isn't easy to be sick when you are so little.


  1. Jesus loves them, this we KNOW!!!! He will be there and hold the little ones - soothing their owies and making everything alright! You are loved and prayed for (daily). Keep on keepin on! Much Shalom, Rebecca<")))><

  2. It's tough when they are so you and sick. Will be praying for your children and both of you. God is faithful and all we have to do is believe.
    Thank you for sharing with us about your life's journey.
    God bless and keep you.
    Deborah Davis

  3. Praying here in Italy. Did you bring any medical equipment such as an otoscope? It's easy to see if an ear is infected; they look different from healthy, no light reflex bouncing off a taut eardrum, no bony landmarks. But, thanks be, many ear infections, throat infections and coughs are viral and just require symptomatic relief, lots of fluids and rest (stay home and let them sleep deeply). Prayer is the most important. Let the Holy Spirit guide when it's time to get to medical help!
    I love your posts; always good to hear how everyone is doing. You are loved and prayed for by many here! God bless your service!


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